Monday, June 30, 2014

"The road to health is paved with good intestines!" - Sherry A. Rogers

Healthcare is a rapidly evolving landscape, but unlike true terrain we don’t get the luxury of millions of years adjusting to small incremental changes. Changes come in many forms – legislative mandates, technology enhancements, consumer expectations, and more. The only constant in health care is change; that inevitable shift that can benefit so many, while unfortunately destroying others.

All of us, at some point or another in our lifetime, will be affected by health care as a consumer; but not all of us must deal with the changes on a consistent and nearly burdensome basis. In order to stay abreast it is often difficult to find the time to muddle through literature and find a particular piece of relevant information. In this blossoming digital age – as our attention spans shorten, and our demand for instant gratification heightens - it is important that information be accurate, well researched, and pertinent.

Rural health care professionals face obstacles and challenges of a different breed than their urban counterparts. It is no mystery that access to advanced equipment, dwindling funding streams, shortages of providers, and other obstacles make practicing in a rural environment difficult.

The goal here is not to berate ideology, or even to necessarily take a stance on specific health care related topics. Rather, the goal is to assist in creating a more informed network of health care professionals serving in rural communities all across the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

I hope that you enjoy.